20 topographic maps cover the Israel area. The maps contain the "Marked Trails", flora, fauna and more.
Move the mouse over the 20 numbers below to display the maps on the right.
 1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
The paths are marked with one of the following 5 signs (black, blue, green, red, violet). The marks are placed on rocks, roads, signposts, etc.
red green blue black black
The trails can fit for one or more of the followings: private cars, 4x4 cars, bicycles, pedestrians.
private car 4X4 car bicycles pedestrians
map 0
map 1
map 2
map 3
map 4
map 5-6
map 7
map 8
map 9
map 10
map 11
map 12
map 13
map 14
map 15
map 16
map 17
map 18
map 19
map 20


updated: 23.02.09 12:39
© Kalmanovitz Bros. 2002